Why Students Choose Hybrid Working?

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Hybrid work has entered our dictionaries in the last two years. A global pandemic forced many companies to change the way they work. And even though remote work has become the new norm, hybrid work makes its room in the workplace too. There are a lot of employees working remotely. This allows them to take care of the work-life balance, save the time spent on commuting, and work from a more familiar and maybe cozier environment. 

However, the ability to work from home is not something all employees have or want to develop. Some of them are more productive in an office, where employees feel they can focus better without experiencing disturbances. This is how hybrid working has slowly become something many companies implement and employees follow. 

What Is Hybrid Working?

Hybrid working is understood differently by employees and companies. And there are a lot of hybrid working models implemented around the world. The main principle is that employees are working both remotely and on-site. Some companies allow employees to work fully remote for 3 days per week and on-site for the other two. Of course, this is different from company to company.

For example, in some companies, a part of employees is office-based, while others are working from home. Depending on the industry the company is active in, it can decide on the best hybrid working model. Hybrid working has entered many other domains as well, not only the IT one. For example, writers who offer dissertation help are also working remotely. However, some of them feel that working in an office is part of the charm of working at a dissertation writing service. Being surrounded by other co-workers who are productive boosts your productivity too. Even though the quality of their work does not change depending on the environment they work at, some writers want to return to the office or to a hybrid working model. 

So, in this article, we will cover some topics related to hybrid working and shed more light on this new working concept that is beginning to be used around the world and its principles. 

What Does a Hybrid Working Model Mean?

A hybrid working model can be adapted by every hiring manager and company. This depends, of course, on the industry you are working in, but also on the needs and expectations of employees. The latest surveys show that employees consider leaving a company if it does not offer a hybrid working arrangement. The great majority of them are looking for flexible working.

Before the pandemic, employees were expected to be in the office from 9 to 5. A hybrid model would allow them to choose when they want to begin work and have the flexibility to do it as they want. Of course, as long as they are doing their jobs, they have the flexibility they want. It means that a specific number of days per week employees will be working on-site and the rest of the days remotely. 

Hybrid Working Principles

Hybrid work does not have a clear definition. However, it is applied differently by companies, depending on the needs and desires of their employees. The main principle of hybrid working is allowing employees to work both remotely and on-site. It is true that in the case of factories or businesses where employees need to build pieces, for example, working from home is not possible.

However, every company can find a hybrid working model that works. What’s important to keep in mind is that hybrid working began as a means to follow the social distancing regulations. It is, nowadays, a new working style that is used and adapted around the world. 

What Are the Pros and Cons of a Hybrid Working Model?

Well, just like any other working style or model, a hybrid model comes with both pros and cons.


        Increased employees’ productivity

        A better work-life balance

        Protecting the health of all employees

        Saving money spent on utilities, office rent, and so on


        Employees’ engagement might decrease 

        Social interaction and support are no longer happening when employees are working remotely 

Fostering Productivity

But why is it so beneficial not only for the company but also for the mental health of employees? A fixed working schedule forces employees to be productive and find their focus in a given time slot. Working in the office comes with both advantages and disadvantages too.

Maybe some employees have a difficult time finding their focus and being productive in the morning because they are night owls. Others might find it challenging to block all the background noise and distractions that can appear in an office. So, working from home comes with the flexibility of organizing your own schedule, which is so important to many employees.

It contributes positively to their health and wellbeing, which is ultimately benefiting the employer too. It allows employees to organize their time so that they maximize their efficiency and productivity. 

Work-Life Balance 

You may think about the hybrid working meaning and its connection with work-life balance. Even though remote work has been adapted to follow the social distancing restrictions, it is loved by many employees. It allows them to have a better work-life balance thanks to the flexibility it comes with. 

Health Protection 

For any company, the health and safety of employees are mandatory. And as the global health context is still uncertain, remote workers are better protected when they work from home. The same goes for the employees that are working from the office. Using protective equipment such as face masks prevents the spread of the virus. 

Saving Money 

In a hybrid working model, employees will work on-site in a limited number. This helps companies and businesses save money spent on utilities and rent, as they do not need so much space. 


Hybrid working is a new concept that entered the working industry and it is likely to stay. Employees are allowed to work both from home and on-site. In some cases, some employees are working permanently remotely and others on-site, but this depends on the profile of the business. Of course, a hybrid working model comes with pros and cons.

Looking To Recruit for Hybrid Admin Roles? We Can Help!

Are you looking for employees that will easily adapt to a hybrid working model? Do you want to hire candidates that you can rely on? If you need help with recruiting some of the most suited employees for your company, Oriel Partners can help you make this need turn true. 

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